Finding Aid To Improve Find Legal Aid
This post was originally published on the LSC Technology Blog in January of 2014. LSC is Legal Services Corporation, my employer..
This post was originally published on the LSC Technology Blog in January of 2014. LSC is Legal Services Corporation, my employer..
This post was originally published on the LSC Technology Blog in May of 2013. Note that “LSC” is Legal services.
NTEN needs good tech sessions at the 2014 conference. Submissions are open. Here’s a pitch for any tech-savvy NTENdees to.
Last week I attended two events sponsored by my new employer, Legal Services Corporation (LSC). The first was a two day Technology Summit, where a group of 50 thought leaders gathered to develop a plan for addressing the demand for legal aid more dramatically by making strategic use of technology. That was followed by the three day Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) conference.
NTEN hosted a record breaking 2000 people looking to be more effective in their use of technology to support good causes in D.C. last week. I wasn't one of them. So, why the wrap-up? Because the NTC (Nonprofit Technology Conference) is such a big event in my life that, even if I skip it, it doesn't necessarily skip me. :)
This article was co-written by Matt Eshleman of Community IT Innovators and first published on the NTEN Blog in June.
This article was originally published on the Idealware Blog in December of 2010. Like many of my NPTECH peers, I.
This article was first published on the NTEN Blog in April of 2010. As the technical staff at our nonprofits,.
Are Microsoft and Apple using the mobile web to dictate how we use technology? And, if so, what does that mean for us? Last week, John Herlihy, Google's Chief of Sales, made a bold prediction: “In three years time, desktops will be irrelevant."
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