Who can’t wait for Dad to get back from NTC…

Who can’t wait for Dad to get back from NTC…

... even though I haven't even left yet?

5 Questions: How To Win Friends And Influence Luddites

5 Questions: How To Win Friends And Influence Luddites

This Interview was conducted by Holly Ross and the article was first published on the NTEN Blog in February of 2010..

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Idealware's blog is not the best place for me to talk about my kid. There's Facebook and Flickr for that sort of thing. But I want to talk about him anyway, and open a discussion, if possible, about children and the nptech community.

NTC (Just) Past and Future

NTC (Just) Past and Future

Here it is Saturday, and I'm still reeling from the awesome event that was the Nonprofit Technology Conference, put on by org of awesomeness NTEN. First things first, if you attended, live or virtually, and, like me, you not only appreciate, but are pretty much astounded by the way Holly, Anna, Annaliese, Brett and crew get this amazing event together and remain 100% approachable and sociable while they're keeping the thing running, then you should show your support here.

Why We Tweet

Why We Tweet

Skeptics take note - I agree with you that Twitter, the "microblogging" service that your friends are pressuring you to join, appears to be the ultimate synthesis of vanity and wasted time. All of that potential is there, and, worse, the service seems to advertise those traits as its raison d'etre. But I'm going to ask you to bear with me as I offer some arguments for the service.

Book Report

Book Report

NTEN‘s first book is available for pre-order, and you can find me in it. “Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission:.

The $10/hr Dilemma

The $10/hr Dilemma

Everybody who enjoys calling tech support, raise your hand. No one? As a long-time IT Director, who came up through.

NTC08 Part 2: In Honor of Marnie Webb

NTC08 Part 2: In Honor of Marnie Webb

At the NTEN awards on Friday, Marnie Webb took the Person of the Year award, and rightly so! In honor.

Back from NTC08

Back from NTC08

What a week – I flew to Tallahassee in Sunday and had a great visit with the attorneys and staff.

Why I won an Anonymous Blogger award at NTC

Why I won an Anonymous Blogger award at NTC

I’m just back from NTEN‘s wonderful annual conference, which was in DC this year. This is my third year attending,.