The Ethnic Check

The Ethnic Check

Yesterday I received a letter from the State of California alerting me that my Census form is due next week and that I should be sure to fill it out and return it, as is decidedly my intention. That form will include the page that drives many Americans crazy -- the one that offers you a bunch of ethnic backgrounds that you can identify yourself on. As my spouse of African-Cherokee-Jamaican-German and who knows what else decent says, this is not a multiple choice question for many of us.

The Offensive Bardwell Defense

The Offensive Bardwell Defense

You might have read about Keith Bardwell, a man out of his time, who, throughout his 35 year career as a Justice of the Peace in Louisiana, has steadfastly denied marriage licenses for interracial couples. For their own good, of course. And the good of any children they might bear. Some might consider Bardwell an old coot who means well, when he defends his cruel and discriminatory behavior as being based on his expert opinion that interracial marriages generally don't last, and it's cruel to subject children to a world where they will be pariahs to blacks and whites alike. But I can't listen to his defense of bigotry with anything but an understanding that he has a choice: he can "protect" children from the hate he perpetuates, or he can stop being hateful.