Telecommuting Is About More Than Just The Technology

Telecommuting Is About More Than Just The Technology

We’ve hit the golden age of telework, with myriad options to work remotely from a broadband-connected home, a hotel, or.

The Softer Side Of Security

The Softer Side Of Security

This article was first published on the NTEN Blog in April of 2010. As the technical staff at our nonprofits,.

Keys to the Kingdom

Keys to the Kingdom

Being a career nonprofit IT type, I've repeatedly had the unpleasant experience of walking into a new job, only to find that critical information, such as software licenses and server passwords, are nowhere to be found. So before I can start to manage a new network, I have to hack it. This sort of thing happens in other industries as well, but it strikes me as something that plagues nonprofits.

Small Footprints, Robotic and Otherwise

Small Footprints, Robotic and Otherwise

Here’s my 11/7/2008 Idealware post, originally published at As the proud owner of a T-Mobile G1, the first phone out.