How Easy Is It For You To Manage, Analyze And Present Data?
I ask because my articles are up, including my big piece from NTEN’s Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits on Architecting Healthy.
I ask because my articles are up, including my big piece from NTEN’s Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits on Architecting Healthy.
This article was originally published in the NTEN eBook “Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits” in January of 2014. Introduction The reasons.
News junkie that I am, I see a lot of headlines. And four came in over the last 30 hours.
…is the name of the track that I am co-facilitating at NTEN’s Leading Change Summit. I’m a late addition, there.
We’ve hit the golden age of telework, with myriad options to work remotely from a broadband-connected home, a hotel, or.
This post also appeared on the Cloud for Good Blog in April of 2014. Buying a new fundraising CRM or replacing.
This article was published on the NTEN Blog in February of 2014. It originally appeared in the eBook “Collected Voices:.
Long time no blog, but I have good excuses. Moving cross-country, even with a modest family of three, is no.
This post was originally published on the LSC Technology Blog in January of 2014. LSC is Legal Services Corporation, my employer..
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