Career Management In The Social Media Era
If you believe that your current job is your last job — the one that you will retire from — raise.
We’ve hit the golden age of telework, with myriad options to work remotely from a broadband-connected home, a hotel, or.
NTEN needs good tech sessions at the 2014 conference. Submissions are open. Here’s a pitch for any tech-savvy NTENdees to.
The decision to homeschool our kid wasn't a slam dunk, but it was the right one. We made it after thoroughly investigating everything -- our son's learning style, both through the school system and via our local Children's Hospital; every public, private, and non-public school within about a six town radius; and conversations with educators, administrators, parents and other experts. Given what we now know about how our son learns and what options are out there, we aren't guessing that this is the best route. We've verified it.
Idealware's blog is not the best place for me to talk about my kid. There's Facebook and Flickr for that sort of thing. But I want to talk about him anyway, and open a discussion, if possible, about children and the nptech community.
This article was first published on the NTEN Blog in May of 2007. Peter Campbell, I’ve spent more than.
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