How Easy Is It For You To Manage, Analyze And Present Data?

How Easy Is It For You To Manage, Analyze And Present Data?

I ask because my articles are up, including my big piece from NTEN’s Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits on Architecting Healthy.

The Increasing Price We Pay For The Free Internet

The Increasing Price We Pay For The Free Internet

Picture : Rhadaway. This is a follow-up on my previous post, A Tale Of Two (Or Three) Facebook Challengers. A.

Evaluating Wikis

Evaluating Wikis

I'm following up on my post suggesting that Wikis should be grabbing a portion of the market from word processors. Wikis are convenient collaborative editing platforms that remove a lot of the legacy awkwardness that traditional editing software brings to writing for the web. Gone are useless print formatting functions like pagination and margins; huge file sizes; and the need to email around multiple versions of the same document. There are a lot of use cases for Wikis:

Small Footprints, Robotic and Otherwise

Small Footprints, Robotic and Otherwise

Here’s my 11/7/2008 Idealware post, originally published at As the proud owner of a T-Mobile G1, the first phone out.

Should Non-profits Seed Software Development?

Should Non-profits Seed Software Development?

There were a ton of interesting side topics that came up at the Salesforce Non-Profit Roadmap event, but a few.

Mapping NP Salesforce

Mapping NP Salesforce

Day one of the Salesforce Roadmap session was a well-crafted, but fairly standard run at typical strategic planning. Hosted by.

Rails Wrap-up

Rails Wrap-up

So, I came to this Rails conference looking for a few things. It’s not over, but I think I’ve got.

Instant Open API with Rails 2.0

Instant Open API with Rails 2.0

Day 2 at the Ruby on Rails conference – after the Keynote. My main focus is on technology trends that.

The Rails Thing

The Rails Thing

It’s Thursday morning, and I’m in Portland, Oregon at the 2007 O’Reilly Railsconf, all about the web programming language/environment/framework called.

A Day of Joomla (live)

A Day of Joomla (live)

I’m posting this live from the first Joomla Day West conference being held at Google headquarters in Mountainview (so, yes,.