How Easy Is It For You To Manage, Analyze And Present Data?

How Easy Is It For You To Manage, Analyze And Present Data?

I ask because my articles are up, including my big piece from NTEN’s Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits on Architecting Healthy.

Why SharePoint Scares Me

Why SharePoint Scares Me

For the past four years or so, at two different organizations, I've been evaluating Microsoft's Sharepoint 2007 as a Portal/Intranet/Business Process Management solution. It's a hard thing to ignore, for numerous reasons:

XML, API, CSV, SOAP! Understanding The Alphabet Soup Of Data Exchange

XML, API, CSV, SOAP! Understanding The Alphabet Soup Of Data Exchange

This article was originally published at Idealware in October of 2007. Let’s say you have two different software packages, and.

How To Find Data-Exchange-Friendly Software

How To Find Data-Exchange-Friendly Software

This article was co-written by Laura Quinn of Idealware and first published on the NTEN Blog in October of 2007..

Seven Questions For Peter Campbell On Open APIs

Seven Questions For Peter Campbell On Open APIs

This interview was conducted by Holly Ross and first published on the NTEN Blog in July of 2006. What’s an.