My 17NTC Report

My 17NTC Report

Photo: NTEN I’m back from NTEN’s annual conference, the biggest one ever with 2300 attendees here in DC. NTEN’s signature.

13 Lessons On Building Your Nonprofit Technology Culture

13 Lessons On Building Your Nonprofit Technology Culture

This article originally appeared on the Exponent Partners blog on December 19th, 2014. It was written by Kerry Vineburg, based.

It’s Time For A Tech Industry Intervention To Address Misogyny

It’s Time For A Tech Industry Intervention To Address Misogyny

News junkie that I am, I see a lot of headlines.  And four came in over the last 30 hours.

Career Reflections: My Biggest Data Fail

Career Reflections: My Biggest Data Fail

This article was published on the NTEN Blog in February of 2014.  It originally appeared in the eBook “Collected Voices:.

A Brief History of Nonprofit Technology Leadership, And a Call to Action for New Circuit Riders

A Brief History of Nonprofit Technology Leadership, And a Call to Action for New Circuit Riders

This article was first published on the NTEN Blog in June of 2013. When someone asked me, “What is the.

The Palotta Problem

The Palotta Problem

If I have a good sense of who reads my blog, you’re likely familiar with Dan Palotta, notable in the.

The Nonprofit Management Gap

The Nonprofit Management Gap

I owe somebody an apology. Last night, a nice woman that I've never met sent me an email relaying (not proposing) an idea that others had pitched. Colleagues of mine who serve in communications roles in the nonprofit sector were suggesting a talk on "Why CIOs/CTOs should be transitioned into Chief Digital and Data Officers". And, man, did that line get me going.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Idealware's blog is not the best place for me to talk about my kid. There's Facebook and Flickr for that sort of thing. But I want to talk about him anyway, and open a discussion, if possible, about children and the nptech community.

The Silo Situation

The Silo Situation

The technology trend that defines this decade is the movement towards open, pervasive computing. The Internet is at our jobs, in our homes, on our phones, TVs, gaming devices. We email and message everyone from our partners to our clients to our vendors to our kids. For technology managers, the real challenges are less in deploying the systems and software than they are in managing the overlap, be it the security issues all of this openness engenders, or the limitations of our legacy systems that don't interact well enough. But the toughest integration is not one between software or hardware systems, but, instead, the intersection of strategic computing and organizational culture.

Lessons Learned: Effective Practices In IT Management

Lessons Learned: Effective Practices In IT Management

This article was first published on the NTEN Blog in May of 2007. Peter Campbell, I’ve spent more than.