How Easy Is It For You To Manage, Analyze And Present Data?

How Easy Is It For You To Manage, Analyze And Present Data?

I ask because my articles are up, including my big piece from NTEN’s Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits on Architecting Healthy.

The End Of NPTech (.INFO)

The End Of NPTech (.INFO)

After eight years, I’ve decided to shutter the website, which will also disable the @nptechinfo twitter feed that was.

Everything That You Know About Spam Is Wrong

Everything That You Know About Spam Is Wrong

Image: Vince Lamb At least, if everything you know about it is everything that I knew about it before last.

Delicious Memories

Delicious Memories

This article was originally published on the Idealware Blog in December of 2010. Like many of my NPTECH peers, I.

Using RSS Tools to Feed Your Information Needs

Using RSS Tools to Feed Your Information Needs

This article was originally published at Idealware in March of 2009. The Internet gives you access to a virtual smorgasbord.

The Death of Email (is being prematurely reported)

The Death of Email (is being prematurely reported)

Friends of mine who are active on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are fond of proclaiming that email is dead. And, certainly, those of us who are active on these networks send less email to each other than we used to. I'm much more likely to direct message, tweet, or write on someone's wall if I have a quick question, comment or information referral for someone, the latter two if it's a question or info that I might benefit from having other people in my online community see.

The Myth of KISS

The Myth of KISS

Keep It Simple, Someone*! If there ever was a common man's rallying plea relative to technology, this is the one. How many people do you know who got an iPod for XMas, only to learn that, before they could use it, they would have to learn how to rip their CD collection to disk? And upgrade the hard drive, or buy additional storage? All of which is a piece of cake, when compared to setting up a wireless network or removing persistent spyware. The most frequent request that I get from the people I support as an IT Director? "I just want it to turn on and work!". I can relate. Which is why I'm here to tell you that keeping it simple can be a questionable goal, at best.

Why We Tweet

Why We Tweet

Skeptics take note - I agree with you that Twitter, the "microblogging" service that your friends are pressuring you to join, appears to be the ultimate synthesis of vanity and wasted time. All of that potential is there, and, worse, the service seems to advertise those traits as its raison d'etre. But I'm going to ask you to bear with me as I offer some arguments for the service.

NTC08 Part 2: In Honor of Marnie Webb

NTC08 Part 2: In Honor of Marnie Webb

At the NTEN awards on Friday, Marnie Webb took the Person of the Year award, and rightly so! In honor.

Instant Open API with Rails 2.0

Instant Open API with Rails 2.0

Day 2 at the Ruby on Rails conference – after the Keynote. My main focus is on technology trends that.